LinkedIn Masterclass Pre-Class Survey
How actively do you use LinkedIn today?*
What are your primary goals for using LinkedIn? (Select up to 3)*
How would you rate your current LinkedIn profile (e.g., headline, summary, media, experience, skills)?*
Do you currently create content on LinkedIn? (Select all that apply)*
How often do you engage with others' content (likes, comments, shares)?*
How clear is your personal brand on LinkedIn?*
How confident are you in your ability to:
Optimize your LinkedIn profile?*
Create engaging content?*
Build and nurture your network?*
Leverage LinkedIn tools and analytics?*
Use LinkedIn for lead generation or business growth?*
Challenges & Expectations
Thank You for Completing the Survey!
Note: This pre-class survey data will be compared with a post-class survey to measure your progress and the impact of this course.